Baby Murphy- Katahdin Wether
Susan B Anthony-Katahdin WetherEwe
Danny Boy- Katahdin Wether
Artic & Iris-Nubian Goat Mix
Blackjack-Nubian Goat Mix
Cookie & Waffles-Nigerian Dwarf Goat
Gordon-Pygmy/Fainting Goat

Samson was on his way to the market when we were able to rescue him.
He's a sweet, yet strong boy who needs a monthly sponsor.
Samson-Katahdin Ram

Pharoah was a little, runt goat rescued and brought to our Sanctuary. After two wonderful years here with us, Pharoah was adopted.
Pharoah-Nubian Mix Goat
Pilgrim-White Breasted Turkey
Lil Tot-Nigerian Dwarf Doe

Needs a sponsor for her and her two babies Cookie & Waffles.
Mama Bean-Nigerian Dwarf Doe
Duchess of Hog Wallow-Saanan Mix
Marge Gunderson-Astralorpe Hen
Piggly & Wiggly-Potbellies
Nosey,Nellie, Paprika-Golden Comet Hens
Apollo, Luna, Nova-Area 51 Coop
Loretta and Conway-Bronze & Black Turkeys
Persimmon- Blue Slate Turkey
The "Food Crew" Goat Group
Penny, Suzy, Murphy & Danny Boy Sheep Group

Hammy-2-tone came to us from a local sheep farm just a day old. After bottle feeding he developed into the handsome, funny ram he is today.
SPONSOR HAMILTON $10 mth Hamilton-Katahdin Ram

Red was caught on Fort Knox and deployed to us. Here he rules his new base camp we call Fort Cocks. Red is a very friendly, large roo.
RED NEEDS A SPONSORSgt.Red- Rhode Island Red Rooster

Cici is the "Ci" in Mociso. She is one of our original rescues. This 14-year-old senior girl acts like a puppy! Also survived 5 coyotes!
CiCi really wants a sponsor $10CICI-Chiweenie

Sweet Eeyore is a 14 year old sheep named after her forward hanging ears. She is anything but sad though. A very happy girl & mom to LouLou.
SPONSOR EEYOREEeyore-Katahdin Ewe

Very rare chickens originating from Switzerland. Consider sponsoring this couple so we can start a program to save these unique chickens.
$10 Sponsors both per mthIngrid & Lars-Spitzhauben Chickens

Stevie and her coop ladies are a real treat to have free ranging around the sanctuary. This comical breed is on the WATCH list.
SPONSOR ENTIRE COOP $25/mthStevie Chicks-Salmon Faverolle

America's first chicken breed
Betsy-Dominique Chicken
Reba McEggtire-Ameraucana Chicken
Derby-KY Red Bourbon Tom Turkey

AKA Lizzy LouWho, Wizzy WooWoo ;)
She is a spunky, active goat that was rescued from a Wisconsin dairy farm at just days old.
SPONSOR LIZZY $10/mthQueen Elizabeth-Saanan Goat

Frizz was rescued from behind an ice cream drive-thru in Hardin County, Ky. He had spent days there before we got the call.
SPONSOR CAPT FRIZZLE $5/mthCaptain Frizzle-Buff Polish Rooster

Our sweet Electra is 8 years old and retired from a sheep farm in Lexington. She had overgrown hair which we have since trimmed for her.
SPONSOR Sweet ElectraElectra-Katahdin Ewe

This active, 14 year old ewe came from a sheep farm in North Ky. Her and her pen mates are spending their "golden years" here at the rescue.
SPONSOR KATEKate-Katahdin Ewe

Aggie, is full of spice! She is also known as "The Litchfield Goat" because she was constantly loose in the Litchfield, Ky town square!
Send Agnes a 1 time giftAgnes-Nubian Mix Goat

Benji started out as an unwanted runt. We gladly took him in here at just days old where he has prospered tremendously.
SPONSOR BENJAMINBenjamin "Benji"-LaMacha Goat

This cutie came to us recovering from a dog attack. His bites were infected & he was thin. Now he is the one getting into the most trouble!
SPONSOR WELLYWellington-Nubian Mix Goat

Junebug deserves all the treats in the world! This loving, rescue girl guards the animals and keeps them safe. She is a treasure to us!
Junebug deserves a SponsorJunebug-Great Pyrenees Guard Dog

She's a sweetheart of a doe surrendered from Sommerset, Ky from an elderly couple that just wanted the best for her.
SPONSOR SWEET BEANBean-Nigerian Dwarf Goat